I loaded a save BEFORE this all happened, when i was on the road heading to the nordic ruin i was previously in, when lydia was sill following me. Follower Mods (Skyrim) | The Elder Scrolls Mods Wiki | Fandom I don't know if that's a bug or if it's a compatibility problem with AFT or a modded follower. 726KB 46.2k- Extensible Follower Framework.

Speaking to him reveals that he has been tracking his companion down – a wolf named Karnwyr – and he won’t complain if he got some help. Vanilla Skyrim is full of Nord followers, so I wanted this list to cover plenty of the races that don’t have many followers in the game. Is there a way without going back to a previous save to dismiss them? Members 14 posts I'm having similar issues with followers, though mine seems to be a global (i.e. I assume you want help dismissing a follower, if so, you write, "I'm unable to dismiss a follower, please help! downloaded) follower or unique dialogue you would like to see added to the mod, please see THIS POST for more information on how to request it. Replace Follower with the name of the alias you created earlier. I started the purity quest and slay a dragon with vilkas and now unable to talk to him to get rid of him only repy I get from is you talk to much lol. Dismiss her and travel to location either than the one she was in OR the Bee and Barb in Riften. Continue this thread View Entire Discussion (26 Comments) More posts from the skyrim community.

Skyrim Mod - Recall followerS or Find lost followersSkyrim Mod - Recall your follower or Find lost followersTired of losing track of your followers? 11:54pm Unable dismiss followers when I click the part away sense, they just keep saying "I'll head back home if u need me" but they are still sticking with me, how do I … These followers are scattered throughout Skyrim, and each have been customized so they stand out from one another. This is what tells the game that your follower is waiting and tells the follower script to dismiss the follower after three days of waiting. If you made your character in Skyrim with the race mod active and that mod uses custom tints (makeup, complexion, hair color, etc.) All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. I'm kinda like a blunt instrument when it comes to my reasoning.