Pressing ctrl, alt and del at the same time was the only resolution to reboot the box. One bug in Windows 98 was that you couldn’t leave it running for more than 42 days the uptime counter was limited and the box would stall.

Unfortunately,not everything was easy with Windows 95 and Windows 98. This was the era in which Microsoft released and supported Windows 3 and Windows 9x. I’m talking about the age that Microsoft now refers to as the Windows on DOS era. Now it’s a key press combination that makes users feel safe and empowered. You’ll find the Utilman.exe file in the %WINDIR%\System32 directory, which is C:\Windows\System32 by default.I may be a dinosaur, because I still remember the time when Ctrl– Alt– Deleting a box was a bad thing, a sign of weakness, sometimes even a necessity. You can actually replace the Utilman.exe file with another EXE file – like a screenshot utility – to easily take a screenshot of the login screen. When clicked, this button opens the Utilman.exe program, allowing you to start accessibility utilities from the login screen. Windows displays an Ease of Access button at the bottom left corner of the login screen. Use the Command Prompt to launch screenshot utilities and other applications on the secure desktop. You’ll also see the command prompt if you press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and Alt-Tab on the Ctrl-Alt-Delete screen, which also runs on the Winlogon desktop. Lock the screen with WinKey+L and press Alt-Tab to reveal the Command Prompt running on the Winlogon desktop. The s option tells psexec to launch the process as the system user account, while the x has it launch the process on the local Winlogon desktop. From the administrator Command Prompt, run the following command to launch a command prompt window on the Winlogon desktop: