
Jurassic world mod
Jurassic world mod

jurassic world mod

In the Hasbro toy line, she is brown with dark blue stripes down her back and has dark green running from her eye orbits to the tip of her snout. In her LEGO depictions, she is dark tan and beige green, with light blue near the nostrils and around her eye orbits. She also wore a yellow bracelet around her wrist. As a baby, she was a darker teal color with a tan lower jaw, and underbelly. She is arguably the most dangerous velociraptor InGen ever cloned as she is larger than the Jurassic Park raptors, and more intelligent and just as aggressive. Delta is extremely aggressive and displays characteristics of the Jurassic Park raptors. Like with all the raptors seen on screen, Delta has a unique head from the other raptors by having extra nodules toward the front of the nose and past the eye ridges, making her remarkably similar to the raptors from Jurassic Park III. While some state Blue is the largest raptor, Delta appears to be a bit larger and stockier. Charlie looked similar to Delta, except Charlie was a darker green with black stripes.

jurassic world mod

In the film Jurassic World, Delta is a teal color, with no stripes on her back or tail.

Jurassic world mod